Why You Should Use a Custom Clothier

Many men realize that their outer appearance either doesn’t match how they feel about themselves or doesn’t represent the success they’ve achieved or plan to achieve. At this point, men have a choice: Continue to spend time and money guessing at a wardrobe on their own, or hire a style guy – a person who can guide them in creating the look that will best define them in business and in life.

At BillyGrey, our goal is to make you feel great about the way you look, all the time. As we do that, we’re also saving you time and helping you better understand the types of clothes that go well with your build and coloring. Here are a few other reasons using a custom clothier is worth your while:

Access to a Fashion Expert’s Experience

Bill Whitney has been in the fashion business for over two decades. He’s well versed in classic style, and he follows the trends with a practiced eye. With a guy like this in your corner, it’s hard to go wrong. Rather than guessing at what’s right for you or unwittingly dressing yourself badly, lean on Bill’s expertise and build a basic wardrobe that you can count on to be stylish and well-tailored.

A Truly Personalized Consultation

“I can’t tell you what you want unless we meet. If I think you are making a mistake, I’ll tell you so.”

Bill Whitney

At BillyGrey, we’re never one-size-fits-all. We believe in getting to know each client and providing a truly personalized consultation. Bill takes into account your build, coloring, and personality, and carefully selects colors and fabrics that will make you look your best. Tailoring clothes to fit – that’s a given at BillyGrey.

A Boost in Self-Confidence

You’ll be amazed at how much more confident you feel when your wardrobe reflects the man you are. With increased self confidence comes assertiveness and risk-taking in business, plus calm self-assurance in life. Why deny yourself the chance to feel your best, every day?

Time and Convenience – the Best Gifts of All

Our clients are so confident in our services that they no longer have to worry about whether or not they look good. They can relax with the confidence that they’ve already got a stellar wardrobe right there at their fingertips. There are plenty of services out there promising you convenience. With BillyGrey, however, you’re getting the full package: convenience, quality, and style.

Think about your goals for the future. If you’ve never considered hiring a style guy to help you reach them, maybe it’s time to start.