Bespoke Men's Clothing

Outfit Your Primary Purpose

Your style speaks volumes before a word is ever said. 
BillyGrey Custom Clothiers seeks to know the man so that your message is delivered powerfully. Who do you want them to see?

A men’s custom clothier is so much more than just a “suit guy.” Your clothing should help you speak volumes without ever saying a word. Let your primary purpose shine through. The right custom clothier can help.

Our Process


Getting to know you

We start by getting to know YOU: your profession, your interests, your style… and what you hope to “say” with your custom clothing.


Taking stock and choosing material

We take measurements and select materials for your custom suit and clothing that we think will match your preferred style.


Tailoring your wardrobe

We custom tailor a wardrobe designed for you. Production times can range from three to five weeks.

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About BillyGrey
Custom Clothing Since 2007

There is an important distinction to be drawn between fashion and style. Fashion is arbitrary to many men; it often reflects the industry’s need to be relevant. Your personal style should showcase who you are; before any word is ever spoken. Let BillyGrey reveal your style; speaking volumes without ever saying a word.

Curated Packages
Command The Room

Make yourself heard, without saying a word. For the man who has everything to the man who needs a whole new look, BillyGrey Custom Clothiers has special programs; specially curated to bring out your personal style, on any body shape. Custom quality and special pricing, these unique packages are guaranteed to please.


Project Your Best Self